Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required and must be filled out!


Please indicate any special instructions and list any special meal requirements such as allergies. Please ensure you include the persons full name matching the registered name.


Full name as displayed on card
Name on card is required
Provide an email to receive a payment confirmation.
Please enter a valid email address for your payment confirmation.
Sponsorship Opportunities Available!

Tournament Information:

Thursday, September 4th, 2025

Shotgun Start 12:00PM


Deer Creek Golf & Banquet
2700 Audley Rd.
Ajax, Ontario, L1Z 1T7

Google Maps

Hole in One Prizes:
  • 1 year truck lease Courtesy of Formula Ford – Pickering

Dinner Options:

Plated 3 course dinner (Vegetarian, Vegan and Gluten free available).

Registration Fees:

  • FOURSOME: $900.00
  • SINGLE: $240.00
  • DINNER ONLY: $65.00

Includes round of golf including cart, dinner and prizes.

** Registration fees are non-refundable **